Paunawa: Pakiunawa lang ng sobra

Satire; is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.

Friday, July 29, 2016

"Bri Pahingi Ako Ng Tubig!"

The one thing I absolutely love about having friends is that you can tell them things you wouldn't dare say to family members. You can be a totally different person when you're with them. You can be an ass, and they will be bigger ass than you. You tend to laugh at things that are supposedly serious and cry about shits some people just find weird.

People who doesn't share the same DNA as you or an obligation to feel related with each other.
It's an unbelievable relationship bounded by time, interest and affection. 

Friendship is easy to achieve though. You can be drinking buddies with someone and share stories and what not, to one another and feel the connection, and from there you can say you're friends with them. 

You can text from time to time about things that are just simply unnecessary and enjoy the company and you're pretty much friends with each other.

People may say that it's a bit misused because apparently, friendship is so much more than anything that I've stated above. True. It's so much deeper and more meaningful than just mere texting. More important than a few nights of drinking. 

I just understand the value of using an adjective to create the perfect meaning for the word friendship. 

True, genuine, sincere.... Words that describe my feelings to quite a few people in my life right now. 

People who I can consider a huge part of my life. Someone that was there during the worst and the best parts of my existence. People who I share the shittiest and the dopest experiences throughout the week.

Quite few of them. I guess as you grow older, you realize that you don't really need a great deal of friends. Just people you can completely trust and enjoy your life with. It's less complicated. It's more comforting, knowing you can concentrate being a genuine person to just a couple of people. It's also less expensive to be honest. 

Time is probably the best thing that you can give to a friend. It's an investment. You make a sincere effort to see them. To make them feel like you're there. Even if you're miles apart. Let them realize you're always there. Time. Even when you're exhausted from work, You make time for them. You induce an allergy just to play poker and drink with them. You were always a call away. You have all the excuses in the world for your boss to be with a friend who has a broken heart. You're present in most occasions that are in need of your laughter and the joy that comes with it. You are there, for EVERY friend that you have. Punctuality may not be your strongest suit, but still, you came.

A friend is a joy to be around with. Even if you talk about a single topic for the rest of the night, even if you have to drink the same thing every week, even if you keep telling the same stories over and over again, you still can't deny the fact that you are happy with them. You are genuinely having fun. You go bored once in a while, but you'd rather be bored with them than be bored alone or with someone else. Because having them around just makes you comfortable. Because somehow you know each other's way of thinking. You know one way or the other, someone will light a cigarette up, open a bottle of beer, bring up a topic, get drunk, eat the fuck out, throw-up in the streets, do the silliest things you can imagine, as long as you're with them, you're satisfied, even having to eat a tube of toothpaste for fun. It wouldn't matter.

You love them. The kind of love that's not necessarily the same with the one you share with your family, but the kind of love where you show true affection to one another without a sense of obligation. When a friend talks, the other listens and vice versa. It's never a one way street. You cry, I cry. I laugh you laugh. Nobody will be left hanging. You'd know how true your connection with a friend is when there's just no judgment anymore. Just straight to the point understanding. Respect. True concern. You actually care about what's happening with a friend. Sometimes you don't even have to say anything, and a friend will still feel cared for. When you feel like your enemies are ganging up on you, whenever your problems are closing in on you, or when even your family can't protect you, You know you have that one friend who will be with you all the way through. The same feeling when everyone hides a cigarette from you but you're certain you could get one from that friend. Menthol nga lang. 

 Presshiate you being one of
the most important persons in my life
Life is undoubtedly hard on its own. 
So if you do have that kind of friend,
just make sure you don't fuck it up.
Even if she asks you to get her a million glasses
of water... you suck it up. It's worth it.

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